Monday, February 28, 2011

A house made of....

I was riding my horse drawn wagon to my brand spanking new house. It was located on a hill right, over ever pretty much everything so my road was called "Queen of the Hill". No one could change it or anything at all. I made everything the house i wanted to be like what i wanted. As i entered my gate and the gate doors opened, there is this twinkling noise and angel/ opera "aaahs" when you see the house. Its pretty sweet. Every time i hop out of my wagon my legs get all wobbly because i am looking at the most magnificent house in the world. Brown brick, white pillars, beautiful landscaping, and an even more beautiful scenery. It is so beautiful that it makes my eyes squint because it is radiating a magnificent glow from its beauty. My mouth was all gabby over it every time i see it. woo hoo.

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