Thursday, February 24, 2011

Scary Moment

My scary moment was when I went camping with the Mckenna's. We werer actually legit camping in a tent with their church. It was during the summer and it was really hot and humid. The first night everything was going fine until the wind started to pick up and we began to see flashing lights in the sky. We finally knew a storm was coming. The wind started to get faster and faster. Our tent actually started to sway every which way. It started to get even bad enough to the point where the strings in the ground were pulling out and it felt as if we actually were getting blown away.Then the rain came pouring down on us. It wasn't just a little pitter patter, but it seemed as if we should have spent our day building an arc instead of building our tent. Not only was our tent being blown away, it was getting flooded as well. Something in the tent finally broke and their mom eventually came to rescue us when the horrible wind and rain subsided.

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