Friday, April 8, 2011

short story

“Help, help!” Tom frantically screamed.  Tom had just realized that he was lost and alone in the woods. That morning Tom was on a hike alone. Every morning he would go on his routine hike with his dog on the same trail. But because recently Tom had lost his loyal best friend, the trail made him remember his dog and brought sadness to him. When he began to get nostalgic from the path he was walking on he went his own way thinking that he would simply take a short cut to the end of the trail.

“What the heck was I thinking?” Tom said aloud. He was feeling guilty and madness for doing something so stupid. By this time of the day he had a gut feeling he would not be found by the end of the day. He decided to make camp and sit and wait to be found. He thought that staying in one spot would help rescuers find him easier. All of a sudden he heard a footsteps walking toward him. He jumped up yelling “Hey! Over here! My name is Tom and I am lost! Help!” hoping that someone would respond. Emerging from the brush and from a camouflaged, brush pile hut appeared a man. Tom was absolutely shocked. This man just appeared out of nowhere. He realized that he was no longer alone unless this man was some kind of evil. The man had a long white scruffy beard with very tan skin. You could tell that he spent all of his time outdoors and was homeless.

“What is going on here? Why is a man like you so far into the woods?” questioned the homeless man.
“It was a huge mistake. This morning I was on a hike and I decided to walk on my own path and pretty much take a short cut through the woods and to the end of the trail. Then mid afternoon I realized that I was a lost. More lost than I ever have been.” cried Tom.

“Well you were not thinking! Maybe next time you wander into the woods that you will think about the consequences!” yelled the annoyed homeless man.

“Yes, that is a very good idea. I clearly was not thinking at all. I thought I knew these woods like the back of my hand…but I guess I don’t.  Sir, what is your name and what are you doing in the woods?”

“My name?! Why bother asking?! Ugh, I suppose! My name is Roy. I have been calling these woods the past twenty years of my life!” Roy said intensely. “I came out here because I was a fugitive. Everywhere I went I knew that someone would recognize me and turn me in. So I came out here and live by myself.”
“What did you do Roy?” Tom questioned.
”Why does it matter?! It is all nonsense now." Roy said in a low tone of voice.

Suddenly Tom felt as if wasn't alone anymore. Tom had lost his dog and Roy pretty much lost his normal life. Together at different times they sought refuge in the woods. After befriending each other they actually became close friends. Who knew that two completely opposite people could become two friends. After awhile and waiting for rescuers that never came that day, Roy invited Tom to stay in his shelter until they heard rescuers coming. On the third day they were sitting and talking about their lives when all of a sudden they both heard "We found him! Go! Go! Go!". Immediately, Ron took off running to hide himself and Tom was jumping up and down and waving his arms at the same time trying to be seen. He had thought that rescuers had finally come to save him. He saw the camouflage suits of the army men and the black suits of the cops and German Shepards tugging at the end of their leashes. The cops came up to him and practically screamed at him to get on the ground and put his arms behind his back. Confussed, he jumped down faster than he ever could. "Stop! I am Tom! I've been lost in the woods for four days!" he tried pleaing to the cop. But in a matter of minutes he was handcuffed and was with a cop. As he got up he saw that Roy had been tazered by cops and was on the ground. Cops were surrounding him left and right. This day was the last day for Roy and his wilderness freedom.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

sci-fi story

They said they found me laying face up, unconscious, and surrounded by what remained of my ice block. What I remember last, I was preparing my 18 year old self be cryonically frozen until the year 3,011. Back in 2011, there was a horrible radiation  explosion that would pollute the entire world and kill almost anything living. Scientists said that in 1,000 years the earth would be safe again. Only 5,000 people on chosen to be frozen to escape the radiation pollution to save the human race. Unfortunately, this is not what happened. But here is what did….

I awoke disoriented and confused. I had somewhat of a brain freeze but the pain throbbed throughout my entire body. Strange figures were frantically working around me to carefully chisel the ice away from my thawing body. My first thought was that it was year 3,011. As my eyesight came into better focus I could see that the figures were human and wore white suits. The suits looked like astronaut suits. They were dressing me in one of their white body suits and as they were, I passed out. When I woke up again, there was this man named Atticus sitting on the opposite side of the bed they placed me on. “What…what year is it?” I mumbled through my helmet-mask.

“It is year 2,111.” Atticus said in a confident tone. Suddenly I was 100% conscious and baffled. I was supposed to be de-thawed by year 3,011. I knew something went horribly wrong. “I am Atticus. I was found 10 years ago around the same place you were when we found you. I was cryonically frozen just like you too in 2011. Unfortunately, I have been contaminated by the radiation you are our last hope." Atticus said

"What do you mean last hope?" i said confused.

"Everyone, and everything that was not frozen became mutated from the pollution causing them to live an extended amount of time and unable to die and grow massive lumps on their backs." told Atticus.

"Then what is there that i can do to help?" i said concerned.

"I am glad that you say that. There is a city of ultra smart scientists, who back in 2011 created a magic fish incase this ever happened. The magic fish cured all who are contaminated. But the thing is, they created a floating city that is surrounded by a titanuim bubble and is nearly impossible to get to. You are the only one that can go there and save the rest of us and get the magic fish. Could you go on this mission?"

"Yes, I will go on this mission!" i said in a confident tone.

"Sounds good..."

That is the last of the conversation that i remember. I accepted the journey. Atticus lent me his brave dog Brutus. Brutus was not your average dog. He had six legs and sounded like a fog horn when he barked. Brutus was also very muscular and bold. Sinse I was frozen, humans invented a collar that could translate animal barks into speech. As we started on this journey Brutus was telling me about how he had a very good sense of smell and could lead the way to Atlantice. He said that he could confidently get us there. Everything that was so green and lush with life was dull and grey. All the forestry, wildlife and everything you can imagine. The birds did not sing, not even the wind. The radioactive pollution sucked the life out of everything living and mutated it grey. Two nights into our journey and the night before crossing the Mumble River, we met Ron the rabbit. After hearing quick sniffles in and out, Ron hopped out from behind a large dirt pile. Both Brutus and I were terrified. "Just sit still and hopefully whatever that is wont get us! I've never smelt anything like that before!" frantically whispered Brutus. As the creature appeared out of the silhouette dirt pile and into the glow of the only thing still bright, the moon, it screeched "Oh my!" in a high pitch, almost mouse like tone. It was a huge rabbit..practically the size of an elephant. "Hi there, I am Brutus and this is Kaitlyn. Were on our way to the city. We mean no harm to you." he said boldly.

"Oh! That is good! I was frightened! I mean no harm to you either. I am Ron. Somehow I've become this talking rabbit the size of an elephant. It is such a shame that the pollution has done this! I can't even drink out of the Muble River anymore! I can only jump across it! I feel like i can't do anything anymore!" said Ron in a complaining tone.

"It is a shame! Say, i know one thing you can do! You can help us cross the Muble River..and maybe any other travelers as well!" Brutus barked.

"Why, yes! I can do that! Sounds splendid!" Ron snickered.

All three of us spent the night camping out together talking about how things used to be. About everything was right and nothing to us then seemed wrong. About everything that was green and full of life. About when the birds would sing and the water was clean. Eventually we all got tired and fell asleep while we were talking. That night we experienced our first radioactive storm. Lightning shot from the ground and the clouds almost looked like grey upside down twirling tornado's. Not to mention, after the lightning would he a horrible crack of thunder..but this wasn't the normal thunder i remembered. It sounded more like vacuum. Thankfully we escaped from any type of harm. The next morning we were preparing to cross the Muble river as early as possible. The Muble River was dangerous. That is where some of the victimized radiated humans were placed after they became too radioactive to deal with. Ron the rabbit let us get on his back as he jumped us over the Muble River. We jumped over it like a girl playing hopscotch but with radioactive and mutated humans jumping up at us like popping kettle corn. When we landed, Brutus asked Rob to keep hopping to help us decrease our journey time. By the time he had stopped hopping, it was pitch black. The moon was not out so you could see absolutely nothing. Not even your own hand in front of your face. We decided to make camp and Ron would leave in the morning. That morning, I remember waking up to the most magnificent sight i have ever seen. It was the city. Up there floating was a giant shiny floating metal ball
not even a football field away. There was a giant door on the front. “Brutus wake up! We are at the city!” I said all excitedly.

“We are?! My, I thought we had another’s day journey ahead of us! Ron surely hopped fast! Let’s go!” Brutus said as he was getting up.

We began running as fast as we could toward the city door. Almost faster than racehorses it seemed like. As we got to the door we stood about two inches away from its silver casing in amazement. We made it. Brutus led the way and I was going to save the human race. I grabbed the handle and twisted it expecting to see a wonderful city of all lively people. Instead, I was sucked in by a huge sucking force and the door shut behind me. Brutus was left outside. The ground of the inside of the circle was just a white floor and looking up was a very, very bright light. All of a sudden I was getting lifted off the ground and flying upward fast. All I could hear were voices talking to me saying “She’s back, she’s back!” and “Stay with me!” I had then finally realized what had really happened. I was driving home when suddenly a semi-truck ran a red light and hit my car. I had been knocked unconscious for about two hours before paramedics could find me. During the rest of the day I was also going in and out of consciousness. The man, Atticus, was actually a paramedic I remembered seeing for just a brief few moments before slipping back into a deep sleep and the rest must have been a dream that I was having. I guess in a way, my dream kind of saved my life…but mostly Brutus. Brutus must have been my unconscious telling and leading me to the “city” to save the human race but in this case, the human race was just my life.

class recap

i liked this class. it was probably my favorite class of the quarter. what i liked about this class is that it gave me the freedom to say, write, and be creative with my thoughts compared to other classes where it is very structured. Another thing that i liked about this class is the poetry unit and the songs. I've always liked poetry and finding the meaning in songs and this made me think and learn more about the structure of poems and lyrics.

one negative aspect of the class i thought was the sci-fi paper.i think that people should me given more options on what to write their paper about because some people  may not know much about any science fiction. another thing was that it got kind of repetitive. i think that if we played some kind of word game to get us to think creatively would break the routine. A game like the whole class sat in a circle and every says one word to create a story. an example would be like the first person says "Once" and then the next person says "upon" and the story builds with each word a person says....maybe something like that..kind of like the thing on Who's Line Is it Anyway where they sing a song or come up with a story.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

worst restaurant experience

My worst restaurant experience all happened at the same place. that place was Culvers. My sister, mom and i would all go to Culver's pretty much on a weekly basis, but this time it was a family dinner. My sister and i religiously order french fries and chicken tenders. My mom ordered some fries and then after her and my dad split a banana split. When we got our food we were so excited. My sister and i were munching away on our chicken tenders when my sister got this nasty look on her face. She bit into an Incredible Hulk green chicken tender. Either that piece of chicken was mutant or the butchers killed a magical green chicken. After that we were disgusted and stopped eating our food and thought that we'll just help our parents eat their banana split. All of a sudden my mom got this nasty look on her face. She stuck her had up to her mouth and pulled out a long hair from her bite of custard/ice cream. Needless to say, we all together stopped eating and walked out.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


if i ever had the money, i would open my own authentic restaurant. it would be a restaurant that is located at the top of a secluded hill or mountain. it would have gorgeous skylines everywhere you look. it would have a sophisticated and warm look to it. id use a lot of outdoor colors and tones to bring the outdoors in. it would be a perfect restaurant for couples to eat dinner and watch the sun set...not to mention the classical music playing to add that extra relaxing effect. i would make it a 21 plus restaurant because i would want something where adults can go to and get away from the modern dine in restaurant and grill. it would have top quality food, but at a reasonable price that everyone could afford. i would have arrangements of food from all throughout the world so that there would be a large selection for what ever taste bud need that person may need to fulfill. And we would have our own special, home made icecream with home made brownies!

Monday, April 4, 2011

man with a chair

After coming home from what he thought was going to be a nice dinner with his girlfriend of three years, this man was unpleasently surprised. She said that she has had another romantic interest for the past year. She basically admitted that she had been cheating on him fir the past year with his younger brother. He was devistated. All his trust and love had been completely broken with any other woman figure that he may have in his life. He came home after dinner and grabbed the first chair that he saw. This one happened to be a chair handed down from his grandma

Friday, April 1, 2011

behind her the noise escalated

behind her a noise exploded. there was a great big flame coming from the horizon behind her as well. it was in the middle of world war two. she was running wild after escaping the nazi concentration camps. she accidentally set off a land mine that's why there was a giant explosion and fire behind her. the Nazi's saw her running and the noise of their guns and Humvee grew louder and louder. the noise was escalating.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

the clock winked

I clock winked and the whole world stopped. Everything stopped except me. I was wondering around the bluffs of apple valley wondering what i should do. At first, i found the greatest, fastest car in my hood, black lambo galardo. Then i went to find my family history and found out that my ancestors were Lambo Italian inventors so i was pretty much borrowing the car. I drove it out to California and went gold mining. Anything i would tap would come back to movement. I had the magic touch. It seemed as if i was the next jesus christ. I tapped a couple of my friends and a few horses and we set sail to venture to Japan. I found a new skill and parted the ocean like Moses.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

spring break

During spring break i went to visit my friend in texas. The weather was super nice and really sunny and hot. We took the first couple days easy and then we went to South Padre Island. There was about 1,000 people there. It was crazy. My friend and i got into this balloon toss contest. There was about 20-30 groups of people doing it. At first we started out close, and then with every toss we got further and further apart. If your balloon popped you were out, obviously. It got to the point where tina and i were about 20 feet apart and i was super, super nervous. I didnt want to lose. I was even more nervous because there was a camera crew there filming and a majority of the people on the beach were watching. At that point the guy hosting the party/ contest said for everyone remaining to scoot closer to the stage. As we all scooted closer to the stage there was only 5 groups left. All of them were groups of guys besides Tina and I. Unfortunately, the next round the balloon popped all over me. I was kind of mad that it popped cause i wanted to win and we were the last girls.

Monday, March 28, 2011

a spoon inside a dishwasher

Everything was upside down. I woke up to find this nasty taste in my mouth. It was hot dishwasher soap. My biggest fear was coming true again. I was happily asleep in the sink with dirty, dried milk all over my concave face when that nasty sour taste of soap entered my mouth. The hot shower began. My most feared part. It is like a half hour of being in a hot sauna thats raining acid rain.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I once dreamed about..."

When i lived in my old house in rosemount, i dreamt about my apple tree i used to climb. If i believe correctly, i had it more than once when i lived there. My dream started out with me trying to peacefully untangle the branches infront of my face so i could get a clear view of my house. As i opened a clearing, my feet lifted off a branch and began to fly. It was so peaceful at first. Then, i flew over my mom and my little sister having a picnic on our red checkerd blanket. At first i was distressed and confussed by the fact that they were having one with out me and that my mom didnt invite me to join them. I felt a little left out. I got over it as fast as i flew by it. I began flying toward my old yellow house and that was the end of my dream.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I wish someone had told me.....

I wish someone would have told me that it is okay to go against what my mom has to say. I've made some decisions based upon what she says and wants rather than what i want because i don't want to make her mad. One perfect example is when i wanted to transfer to SES. Biggest regret in my life. I wish i would have went there but my mom had to have a huge fit and say that SES was not a good school, it wont get me into college and all the kids there are "different". She is like the only person who can get under my skin and change my decisions but not in a good way. She made me feel bad for even considering going there.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

song lyrics

Song Title : Sleeping Sickness

Artist : City and Colour

1. Why did you choose this song? Why is it important to you?

I chose this song because Dallas Green (the guy who is singing and playing guitar) is naturally talented musician and writer and that the lyrics were appropriate for class. I also chose this song because it is one of my favorite songs and I absolutely love everything that he sings.

2. What is the story in the lyrics?
I think story in the lyrics is that all his thoughts, worries, and uncertainties building up causing him misery and wondering when it will suffice as he is going to sleep and being unable to fall asleep because of it and it happens often.

3. What is the structure?

I feel that the structure of the song is somewhat free verse but could have a A, B, A, C, B, C structure in the chorus.

4. What is the emotional tone or mood?

The emotional tone in the song is kind of helpless, gloomy and asking for someone to help?

5. What is the message or lesson?

The lesson in the song could possibly be him finally coming to terms with his possible anxieties that causes him to have worries.

6. What is the intention of this piece of music?

The intention of this piece of music is kind of the same as the message of the song and questioning if his anxieties will become a part of every day life for him.

100 years from now ideas

- people will be mutated because of the nuclear disasters in japan

The shoe

The Japanese man from Hiroshima, Japan created a shoe out of his great great grandfathers house from the WW2 bombings. He has since become a great-world wide shoe maker. Not just a shoe maker, but a car shoe maker! He made shoes for the giant Paul Bunyan and some slippers for his big blue ox named Babe to keep them warm in the cold Bemidji winters. I really hate physics

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Journey on a Pirate Ship

Long, long ago when i was a young lad i set sail to be biggest pirate ship i've ever owned. My ships name was Atlantis the 5th. I chose 5th because there wasn't any 4,3,2, or original Atlantis so I made it seem like there was a great family history of Atlantis ships but anyways, back to the story. I set sail on Atlantis the 5th to find my perfect parrot. I was a parrotless pirate. My pirate-husband was a slayer English speaking lad named Orlando...Orlando Bloom. Boy, oh boy did he ever have a fine accent...and a fine about wash-board abs! Mmmmhmm. He must have got them wash board abs from slaying all them sailors like that one dude Christopher Columbus' ship mates. Arr ar arr! Anyways, I keep getting distracted. To the main point of the story, we left the coast of our mainland called Pirate Island. We were setting sail to the most prestigious parrot island of them all: Tweet Tweet Island. Half way through our journey we came upon another ship called the Tracy SS. That stood for Tracy Sailor Ship. IT was my mother! She never let me have a parrot as a young matey and she was trying to stop me! Plus, I converted to Piratism so Orlando did not like her very much so there was a battle that was going to happen as soon as our ships came into cannon ball distance.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rabbit on growth hormones

This rabbit won first place in the Grand Rapids, Minnesota county fair. Rupert was given growth hormones its whole life to become its giant size. Rupert the rabbit weights a grand total of 28 pounds and three ounces. That's more than two cats! When he hops you can feel the ground shake under his weight. Sometimes he can shoot lasers out of his eyes because when he was given the growth hormones he was exposed to chemical  radiation near the Hiroshima bombings (he was imported from there due to their specialties in rabbit production). Rupert is about 8 years old surprisingly. His owners don't know how much longer he can live. They said that once he hops away to bunny heaven they are either going to make a fur boots, a fur hat or possibly make one of those bear-like rugs out his ginormous body. How nice! They might also take him to a taxidermist and place him in the entry way.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

fictional character you really like (from a book, movie, or TV show). Craft a story with that person losing the most valuable item to him or her.

Once upon a time this really good looking newsie boy named Jack Dawson on the Titanic. He was born into a poor family and left them to live a life of his own. He did not have very many special beloningings, but his most prized possession was his

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Write from the point of view of a stack of paper a few inches away from the shredder.

I am a stack of paper sitting a few inches away from a desctuctable paper shredder. I am not too scared because i am a stack of post-it notes. Who would want to shred a beautiful stack of post-it notes? I know i wouldn't.The person who writes down little blurbs on me rips off my layers faster than if he was pealing an union. Little parts of me are scattered around the room hanging on the wall, stuck to a computer screen, smooshed in between a book and crinkled up in the garbage. The only time i do get scared is when his four year old daughter comes into the office unsupervised. Its like her favorite past time to sneak away from who ever she is with and come to the office to watch her shred by big brother paper pile, Stack. I hear his faint cries for help but nothing can be done, as for i am a stack of post-its. I fear that one day my post-it width is going to look appealing to her and want to shred me like she does to Stack. The only problem is that Stack has it easy. There is about 500 layers of him and about 50 layers of me that are about 1/10th his size. Being smaller and less plentiful means that i am more vulnerable to this four year old tormentor.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


this is going to sound like i am a little bit crazy
i am not that big of a people person
that may sound a little cliche but not too hazy
we've qall had that person go behind our backs
and i want to hit them with one giant wack
internally my ID and superego are mad
my ego on the other hand seems so happy and grand
a perfect example of sublimation
try to use your imagination.
you, my old friend, have found the almost impossible
and miniscule switch to turn my complete good moon
turn into a complete torrent, raging sea

Friday, March 4, 2011

You have just found out you are going to die. You are given all the money you could want. What would be your perfect day?

 You have just found out you are going to die. You are given all the money you could want. What would be your perfect day? My perfect day would start out with buying a Lamborghini with butterfly doors. I would turn all the highways into Autobahn so i could race to all my family scattered across Minnesota and tell them i love them and thank them for everything that they have done for me. Then i  wold get a private jet and fly down to Texas and bye to my best friend bye and her mom bye. Then after that i would buy a wooden barrel and hop on my jet to New York and then get in my barrel and go down Niagra falls. Hopefully by the end of that i wouldn't be dead already. IF i wasn't dead then i would fly to a City and Colour show because that man has the most beautiful voice my 18 year old ears have heard. If he wasn't playing a show i would get in contact of his manager and say it was urgent and pay them both $1,000,000. After his show i would get a tattoo of something badass on my back.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


that song that speaks to me all so clearly
the words make my eyes not close
i hold on to the words pessimistically, almost dearly
a song singing about ends
memories are our only host
that song that speaks to me all so clearly
a song that says we all change and that it seems so weird,
one of the very last times could mean the most
i hold on to the words pessimistically, almost dearly
the words float like a ship in my ear
while sitting like an anchor in my chest
that song that speaks to me all so clearly
 I'll try my best not to forget,
everything that was the best
i hold on to the words pessimistically, almost dearly
I'm not totally sure what this line is supposed to be
that song that speaks to me all so clearly
i hold on to the words pessimistically, almost dearly

10 most important things/memories

1) eating dinner with christofer drew & wearing his sweatshirt
2) staying in physics
3) graduating and going to college
4) teaching myself how to do a backflip
5) managing to not get abducted
6) making varsity lacrosse
7) learning who my true friends are
8) seeing a cow get hit by lightning
9) taking pictures of a guy in a band from florida and then he used one of my pictures as a default! woo

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Etheree poem

night i
have vivid
dreams that seem so
real and true that during
the day i cant stay put.
My dreams blind my open eyes
because some of them are haunting
and some are empty and random dances.

how rediculous

How ridiculous i was as a Ninja Warrior. I jumped off a huge foam pit into a cold pit of foam. When i got out i was drenched. I smelled something like i just got out of a bubble bath though. It was great! After I got out of the big foam pit i acted all goofy and pretended like i was a foam monster. People we're looking at me like i actually was a foam monster. I walked over to a big dunk tank where it was 20 feet deep and 20 feet wide. I was relieved that i didn't have to be covered in foam anymore. I sat in the chair with not a single fright. My partner that i was competing with was very thorough with throwing balls at the target. After about 9 tries he hit it. That's when it hit me...not the water that hit me but an epiphany. I couldn't swim. i sank to the bottom and blacked out and began seeing octopi twisting and turning in my blacked out vision.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Name poem

Kaitlyn is kind
and boy crazy
intrinsic yet extroverted
taller compared to all of my friends
listener to some actually good music and none of this radio "lets go to the club" stuff
yearning to explore the world and to discover anything and everything
never taking no for an answer

resiliant to any rules or set boundarys
often intune with other people
sensible, down to earth, and in the right mind
extremely unable to sleep at night

if i could change the world....

One this is for sure is that if i was able to change the world i would convince everyone to become pacifists. Secondly, i would make everyone take one giant breath, relax and take a look around them and take a moment to let the world in. Another thing that i would change is that i would turn people into open-hearted, accepting and non-judgemental people. I think if people were more like that this would would be a lot more peaceful place. People are quick to form judgment about other people with out even getting to know them. Whats the point of that? What is the point of judging someone in the first place? A person who judges anyone in my eyes is a weak person. One other important thing i would change is land development. Personally, this has bugged me since 3rd grade. For some reason it makes me so angry seeing companies build pointless strip malls on land that have a nail salon, subway, an asain food store, and a tanning place where there pretty much the same strip mall across the street. Seriously, why waste a spot on this limited earth? I would make each state, country have a specific amount of land to set aside for wildlife/land protection.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Concrete Poem


A house made of....

I was riding my horse drawn wagon to my brand spanking new house. It was located on a hill right, over ever pretty much everything so my road was called "Queen of the Hill". No one could change it or anything at all. I made everything the house i wanted to be like what i wanted. As i entered my gate and the gate doors opened, there is this twinkling noise and angel/ opera "aaahs" when you see the house. Its pretty sweet. Every time i hop out of my wagon my legs get all wobbly because i am looking at the most magnificent house in the world. Brown brick, white pillars, beautiful landscaping, and an even more beautiful scenery. It is so beautiful that it makes my eyes squint because it is radiating a magnificent glow from its beauty. My mouth was all gabby over it every time i see it. woo hoo.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


the day shall be risen with glee for me
there is not a good time to say good bye
a good bye is like an end, end for thee
just like the airplanes that cruise over head and fly
a good bye should be more of a "see you later"
because there will be another time for encounter
it may seem like forever, please don't turn your heart into a ship frater,
carrying the weight of it all, just look to the stars and don't falter
it may not be easy, but what ever is?
definitely not this Shakespearean poem jizz
the time will come faster than you think
almost faster than the week, passing by faster than a wink

Friday, February 25, 2011

Dinner Table

At my dinner table three people i would invite P!NK, the fictional character Jack Dawson from the Titanic, and Yoda.  THe reason why i would choose to have P!NK to come to my dinner table is because she is very free to speek her mind and just does not care what other people think about her. And she is a complete badass and could actually kick someones ass, which is pretty tight. I picked Jack Dawson because if he was a real person, he would be my one true love. I am in love with a fictional character. The reason I would pick Yoda to be at my dinner table is because he is full of wisdom and could offer meaningful insights.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Every morning i visualize the sunrise with my two eyes
the sun does not deceive what i perceive
it burns so bright to shed its light
and to give me direction that i need
Every night i see the moon and look stare with no gloom
the king of the night sitting so high and alight
carefully watching out for the careless me
what an ever so gratious creation...? (IDK?!)
Every day I live the space between the moon and sun
i live my life by climbing rather than cycling
to look at the sun so close that my eyes burn
to reach for the stars but grab the moon.

Scary Moment

My scary moment was when I went camping with the Mckenna's. We werer actually legit camping in a tent with their church. It was during the summer and it was really hot and humid. The first night everything was going fine until the wind started to pick up and we began to see flashing lights in the sky. We finally knew a storm was coming. The wind started to get faster and faster. Our tent actually started to sway every which way. It started to get even bad enough to the point where the strings in the ground were pulling out and it felt as if we actually were getting blown away.Then the rain came pouring down on us. It wasn't just a little pitter patter, but it seemed as if we should have spent our day building an arc instead of building our tent. Not only was our tent being blown away, it was getting flooded as well. Something in the tent finally broke and their mom eventually came to rescue us when the horrible wind and rain subsided.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Wordle: Untitled

Free Writing #3

Not much is on my mind besides graduating. I would graduate right now if i had the chance. Id celebrate by walking out of here and going strait to bed and sleep. Yes, i literally would go home and then sleep but i wouldn't could that as my actual celebration. My actual celebration would be a party of course, a non-alcoholic party of course, silly. I usually do something for myself for my birthday like buy something that i never would have or get my naval pierced. Since I've wanted a tattoo for ages i think i would...actually i know i would  go to a tattoo shop and get my tattoo that I've wanted. It would be pretty baller. But of course living with Satan that would NOT roll over well. So for my own well being i would have to be a little devious about what i was actually doing. I think I would get a bad ass/super realistic full moon somewhere on my upper back. I love the moon. It lets me know that I'm human and if i may feel like i have no where to go, or feel lost or for whatever reason, the moon lets me know that i pretty much exist. And of course i just love the night. It would be pretty legit. I even have what shop i want to go to and possibly who will do it but the thing is, is that the guy is almost too good. His work is beautiful. Beautiful = expensive though. Its worth the price though

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

alliteration poem

hyper hallucinating horse
fearlessly fighting for first
crazily cantering through a catastrophy course
wally wouldnt want wanna be the worst
the cat kite clunked

fred flinstone flunked
vulgar velda turned into a vulture
creatively casting down to a new culture

Earliest Childhood memory/ my almost first encounter with the cops

At my old house in Rosemount I thought it was super cool to ride my little green tractor up and down my driveway. Being the naughty child that i was, i thought it would be great entertainment to get to the end of my driveway. A part of our driveway was gravel so of course i thought it would be awesome to throw rocks across the street. I'm not going to lie I had pretty good arm and aim. Across the street our not so friendly neighbors were outside by the side of the road by some car. For some reason I thought "I'm going to throw rocks at this car" and that's exactly what I did. I didn't think i would make it but i took one throw and i had a direct windshield hit. As i heard the thud i was actually kind of happy that i actually hit the car but when i heard them say "I'M CALLING THE COPS!!" i scooted my way up the driveway as fast as i could. I ran inside to see if the cops were here yet to take me away to jail. All I ever saw was most of the people standing out there walk inside and not come out for awhile and no cops.

Friday, February 18, 2011

parts of speech

The wall
grand and tall
standing so still

The clouds
elegant or dangerous
moving and colliding


The night the night is golden
colors of night are so florescent and bright
it feels like all the insomniacs come out to play
with slurred chatter and dances so strange.
It smells like sweat
tastes like it too
Call me an Owl cause that is when i live.

the hermy

A hermamphidite walks out into the cold night air. Its hands are shaking from what just happened. It was chosen to be on the Maury Show with it's recent affair with a woman named Jane. Jane reportedly said that she and Sam had broken away from his past relationship and pro-created with Jane. Jane ended up having a child who is six months old now. Sam denys any fatherhood/motherhood relations.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


If my room were a person it would be in need of a shower.
It makes my heart race faster than a car engine
clutter on the floor
clutter on my desk
My blue floor is not blue, it has become more colorful than a rainbow.
Ererything could be placed in the trash faster than a cheetah running after its prey


people wish for
nothing that is sterling
but for something senseless like

at times
i wish for things
that will never happen
like to write as good as
Dallas Green.

i wish i could look at the things i make with passion and not with hate.
just like these words
are probably just as sensless to me as they are to you.

Free Writing numero 2

What is bugging/troubling me is my plans for spring break. For two years...TWO years my best friend and i have been planning for me to come down to Texas to visit for the week. My parents on the other hand want to go to Hawaii and i don't really want to go because last time we went none of us got along. I am going to Texas. Also, what really ticks me off about this whole thing is that i planned on going down to Texas to surprise her on her birthday, which ever so conveniently was on a weekend. I was planning on that for a years as well. Her friend and i had everything planned out too. But of course, my parents ever so conveniently ignored anything i had to say so after the weekend of her birthday i told them that since they ignored me this time they're NOT ruining my plans that i have had for 2 frikken years. In which, their deal on this thing is that I go to Texas for two frikken days and then go home and then go to Hawaii. Hell no am not i doing that. I am just radiating madnesssssssssssssss. Not to mention, i get to fly for free so really flying anywhere at any time is not a problem. In my retaliation, i told my parents if i don't go for a full week I'm getting a tattoo. they didn't believe me. I told them once I'd get my belly button pierced and they didn't believe me.....i did. But hey whatever floats their crappy little boat.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Deep painful breath

I just woke up from a battle. A war battle of sorts. My troop and I were in camp for the night as the Native Americans invaded our camp while we were sleeping - our most vulnerable hours. I look over to my pain drought arm and see that there is a hand made arrow shot in it. I guess you could say that it should have been in more pain but I was in utter shock. I remember I was in a daze when I tried to move it but the arrow lodged through my arm and into the ground. I was stuck there like a dog tied to a tree. As I am tried to breath it seems to get harder and harder. I must have been regaining my consciousness. I could hear screams of my fellow friends and our exploded fire dancing in and around our tents. Now that I look back on it, it is what we deserved. If someone were to try and take my native homeland I would do everything in my power to keep anyone from invading.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I am bitter today similie

You run around as if you knew it all
Yet you hunch your back at the sight of the unknown
place your imaginary tail between your legs
What do you know?
It is as if your hair on your head lay like a blanket covering up who you really are
It is as if your eyes on your face sit like stone
You're as clear as a ghost
I can see right through you like the air I breath
The things you do.
You take but never give
and what you take can't be given back.
You take control.

I am a horrible poet!!!

metaphorical poem

i dont know how to start this poem
mad met metamorphasis
its a change through time
time travel of sorts
days seem to not exist it is like etermal sleep

Best Friend!

My best friend is Tina Prestidge. We have seriously been best friends since 4th grade. We go together like two pea in a pod.  What makes her my best friend is that we have been pretty much through hell and back a few times and we have always stuck by each others side. We are pretty much sisters. In the summer before 8th grade she moved to the other side of the country and I was pretty much a lost puppy. I did not know what/how I was going to make it through the year with out her and her mom (who was pretty much my second mom and treats me and calls me her other child) and then go to high school with out my best friend. But we stayed in touch literally every day with AIM and writing letters and more so now with Facebook. I think her moving strengthened our friendship/sisterhood. She is someone who I can talk to about anything and I know who will have my back no matter what. She is the only person to truely know's that i say no when i say "i dont know". There is sososososo much more i can say but im outta time. oh and shes also been the only friend of mine to see me cry.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Out of the dark

Out of the dark we came, into the even darker abis. I could not see a thing how ironic is that? ght I made my way to hell but somewhere under the darkness a musical person was tooten their trumpet. They were lovely toons that they were playing. It made everything seem scarier. Just as we thought it couldn't get any scarier we heard a loud roar and squeal. Just then, I knew where we were. We were in the Cave of Doom where the evil fang toothed monster lived. It mainly lived to suck the life out of every living organism. We had to slay the monster. Our main objective was to kill it and then walk out of the cave wearing its skin. As a group we took off our shoes which totally reeked. It was a rather crafty way to reach the sleeping monster that was once roaring.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Change poem




Bucket List

1) fly a kite out of a sun roof
-I wanted to to this since last summer, and i just want to do this for fun

2) live in another country and become fluent in another language
-i love other cultures and would like to live in another one other than my own

3) be on the real world or some reality show
-Just think it would be fun

4) own a nice car
-I am making it a point to not own a pre-owned car because they are crap and i would like to treat myself to a nice, new car.

5) write a book
-I just want something published about my 4th of july weekend a few years ago with a friend

6) own a horse
-I have wanted a horse ever since i was little.

7) streak
-self explanitory

8) own a big and mean looking dog and name it Darla
-Just because it is a super cute name and i want to adopt it.

9) learn how to play guitar
-I have also wanted to do this for a long time

10) learn how to ride a motorcycle
-Just because it is badass

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


You see my ryming skills
No, I dont work in the mills
Im not from Michigan
but I sure am wishin'
Dreaming of these rymes that pays the bills

Day in my life 10 years from now

Today I woke up with the warm sunshine from my vacation home in Australia. It is like 2 in the afternoon on a Saturday. After I woke up I went to my kitchen where I make myself a nice cup of raspberry tea and go out to my balcony that over looks the ocean. Today I on my agenda I plan on going to the beach with my husband who is a Hanes underwear model/ professional baseball player. We took surfing lessons with our neighbors, who were also our friends from college. After we took surfing lessions we took our Audi for a cruise to a remote place kind of in the jungle for a picnic lunch. This is where he got out his guitar and starting singing the most beautiful tunes I have ever heard.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


My ode, my ode to brownies
Your dark chocolate goodness is lightens my day
Magically you disappear from the pan and jump to my waistline,
but how delicious you are
Cooked or uncooked you are the best food to enter my mouth
Your sweet aroma makes me salivate,
salivate like a dog belonging to experiments of Pavlov
From breakfast to dinner and in between,
you are my favorite, my main food group (not really),
from top of the tier to the bottom of my stomach
You are the only food to satisfy my sweet tooth
yet how kind you are leaving me cavity free

Most embarrasing moment....

My most embarrasing moment happened about eight years ago. This lovely moment in my life just so happened to take place at my brothers pre-school graduation party in the gym at the Rosemount Community Center. There was a walking Barney, a blow-up jump castle thing, a face painting table and of course lots of things that a 10 year old me would like to kick like beach balls and soccer balls. I did not want to spend the time walking around with my brother and mom so my best friend and I went to kick the soccer balls against the tall gym wall. I thought it would be super cool to kick the balls really high. Oh, and we chose the best spot to kick the between the jumping castle and the face painting table. See, now i tend to have either super good luck or just complete shit luck. 99% of the time its complete shit. Anyways, we were having a good time kicking the balls in the air and i was getting more and more confident with each kick because they were getting higher and higher. I took one hard kick and the ball went directly toward the wall but toward the right. It rebounded off the wall and was headed toward the face painting table with pre-school students and their parents getting their faces painted. With my awesome luck, the ball went from the wall directly on the face painting table sending paint every where and parents sending very ugly looks. I thought it was hilarious yet incredibly embarrassing!

Monday, February 7, 2011

auto-bio/ heiku

Auto-Bio poem
free spirit, adventurous, weird, creative
Sister of Neil, Hanna, and Noah
lover of a good laugh, music, art, and clever wit
Who feels tired, yet so energetic
Who needs another job
Who gives a listening ear for everyone
Who fears a creepy man hiding in my closet
Who would like to see the world
Apple Valley

Looking through my eyes
then i noticed I cant see
through thoughts that burdon me


Then the zebera ran towards me and started yelling. I was so confused because it was a talking zebra! He was telling me to run because the visious lion was after him. Yet the odd thing that was is that I was more focused on his British accent than him yelling about a lion about to devour both of us. As he slowed down to a trot I leaped onto his back and Lois the zebra to run like the wind. We could hear the hungry, yet very angry lion running a few strides behind behind us. That is when it hit me. I remembered I had my lazer pointer attached to my cowboy boots. I turned around on Lois so I was facing this hungy lion. I pointed the lazer light just in front of the lions paws and just like that the lion forgot all about its hunger and chased the light around like a little kitten. I started laughing when POOF the zebra turned into an actual hungry lion. It was practically a lion in zebras clothing. The lion shook me off and turned around and gave me a nasty glare. He was standing over me ready to bite me then I woke up and realized it was just dream.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thank You!

Dear Hanna,

I want to thank you for much for everything you have done for me. Just like all the times you have had my back in the past and I know in the future you will continue to do so. I have your back as well. You have always allowed me to be myself around you and act like a complete weirdo with out you judging me. You have also been a backbone for me whenever I needed someone to talk to about my problems with Mom or Dad. You are the best little sister I could ask for even though we get in fist fights on a weekly basis.

You're the best "neighbor"!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Free Writing

In this creative writing class I hope to improve my creativity abilities through writing. I would also like to improve my writing skills overall and hopefully recieve a good grade in the class. I also like the thought of having a blog and would like to continue to have one after this class is over and even if no one reads it! I also want to write what I want to write about even if it is borderline questionable, different, or whats exactly on my mind..I still do that in the first place but basically just take it to the next level, yo.